Esther Gunaratnam

Laytons Artificial Intelligence (AI) Series: Data protection and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Laytons Artificial Intelligence (AI) Series:  Data protection and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) paves way for innovative technology advancement which benefits society, but there is also a potential for it to affect individuals' rights and freedoms. Consumers have become increasingly concerned about data security in recent years, resulting in "techlash" - a growing negative feeling against large tech companies.

Landmark CJEU Ruling: EU-US Privacy Shield No Longer Valid

Landmark CJEU Ruling: EU-US Privacy Shield No Longer Valid

In a landmark ruling in “Schrems II” by the European Court of Justice on 16 July 2020, it was declared that the EU-US Privacy Shield is no longer valid when transferring personal data from the EU to the US on the basis that it does not fully protect EU citizens given the surveillance by US agencies.