Richard Harrison

COVID-19: Both sides now: How to maintain commercial relationships

COVID-19: Both sides now: How to maintain commercial relationships

In the current unprecedented and uncertain circumstances of the coronavirus induced economic and social lockdown, canny lawyers need to be able to advise from both sides. They may be instructed at different points in a supply chain and have to deploy apparently inconsistent arguments.

Do Not Waste this Time: Inheritance Act stand-still agreements

Do Not Waste this Time: Inheritance Act stand-still agreements

The Inheritance (Provision for Families and Dependants) Act 1975 (“the Inheritance Act”) enables some limited exceptions to the principle of testamentary freedom and provides an option for redress for those dissatisfied with the dispositions made to them in a will.

Arbitration Tips: Arbitration or litigation?

Arbitration Tips: Arbitration or litigation?

Which is best? This is an age-old question. Should you put an arbitration clause in your contract? And, if so, what sort of arbitration clause? In summary, there will never be a correct answer that applies to all circumstances. There is no straightforward solution and one size most definitely does not fit all.