Carmen Yong

ECCTA: Key Changes in 2024 and what to expect for 2025 and beyond

ECCTA: Key Changes in 2024 and what to expect for 2025 and beyond

ECCTA comes into force in stages and this article aims to provide a concise overview of what changes have been introduced, what are the upcoming changes and how to prepare for them. Organisations should be aware of these changes to ensure compliance and avoid the risks of penalties.

European Union (EU) product liability rules for artificial intelligence (AI)

European Union (EU) product liability rules for artificial intelligence (AI)

In our article: Laytons Artificial Intelligence (AI) Series: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and legal liability — Laytons ETL we looked at how the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology leaves us to question whether the English Civil Liability rules of contractual, and extra-contractual liability for loss and damage caused by AI, are fit for purpose.