Data serves a vital role in training artificial intelligence (AI) models. Data is scraped from various sources including websites. The term data mining and data scraping are similar but not quite identical in nature. It is similar in the sense that both involved bulk copying of data.
The government has now published the first draft of the Renters (Reform) Bill 2023. The Bill outlines several proposals which are hoped to establish a fairer private rented sector for both landlords and tenants across the UK.
In the second article of Laytons’ series ‘Getting Recruitment Right’, we address the employment law surrounding the need to identify the job that is going to be filled and the suitable job description associated with the job.
Save the date for our upcoming Legal Insights seminar on Stamp Duty Land Tax. On 29th June, Laytons ETL Partners, Honey and Marc, will explore all you need to know about SDLT.
Join us on Tuesday 20 June for our latest seminar, focusing on offering practical advice to HR and business professionals on how to manage employment and immigration challenges both at an individual and organisational level.
Recruiting a new employee is a key decision for any business. Get it right and you will reap the financial benefits; get it wrong and the result is a significant waste of both cost and time.