Daniele is a Consultant specialising in banking and finance and corporate and commercial transactions. Formerly a partner and general counsel at EBW Capital Ltd and having worked at Credit Suisse First Boston and Barclays Capital where he was responsible for the legal structuring for a multi-asset platform (equities, commodities, rates, FX) of structured products, funds and derivatives, Daniele has also overseen fund raising for private equity projects through contacts with large US/EU family offices and was responsible from the legal side for the UCITS distribution platform (distribution agreements with various asset managers). Daniele started his career at Clifford Chance LLP within the DCM/REG department in Italy.

Daniele’s experience and expertise include:

  • advising on distribution in Italy and Southern Europe of ucits and non-ucits strategy

  • the setting up of an Italian retail platform with more than 20 equity, inflation linked plus options structures, more than 15 fixed rates plus options structures to be listed on the Italian Stock Exchange

  • advising on potential Islamic finance transactions (sukuk issuance) for EU counterparties

  • the negotiation and execution of 36 Italian law tailor made Distribution Agreement (80% of the players on the market including the biggest names (Unicredito HVB, Banca Monte Paschi, Antonveneta, UBi, Akros, Fideuram)

  • setting up the SCUDO bonds business in Italy (listed distribution without previous subscription period; further to the successful setting up of this new distribution model in Italy, the firm decided to replicate the same platform in other EU jurisdictions)

  • securitisation transactions: mortgaged loans owned by Italian Banks and Securitisation sponsored by the Italian Government (inter alia, Cassa depositi e prestiti and INPDAP).

  • providing general regulatory advice on issues/setting up of financial products (Bonds, ETFs, Covered Warrants and Certificates, real estate funds and unit/index linked insurance policies);

  • dealing with the Italian Authorities (Bank of Italy, Consob, Italian Stock Exchange) for the launching/placement in Italy of the above-mentioned financial products.

In 1998 Daniele was admitted to the Bar in Rome.


Contact details
Tel: +44 (0)20 7842 8000
DDI: +44 (0)20 7842 8053
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Admitted as Avvocato to the Roman Bar in 1998
