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Legal Spotlight | Reducing Legal Risk

General Data Protection Regulation
Transition Service

The GDPR is now in full force and effect bringing with it a number of changes to existing data protection law and imposing significant new requirements on organisations.  Is your business ready?  


We are pleased to offer our GDPR Transition Service, which we can tailor to your organisation’s specific requirements, and which is designed to make the transition to compliance with the new regime as painless as possible.


Our Service

The support we provide includes a Privacy Impact Assessment, Implementation Plan, guidance and training for different types of companies and departments and staff within them, contract templates and amendments and ongoing support.


GDPR privacy impact assessment/data mapping

We can support you in conducting a GDPR privacy impact assessment (“**PIA**”) of your organisation. This will enable us and you to identify the “GDPR gaps”, as well as any data protection weaknesses generally (from the legal perspective), in your organisation where adjustments are required or recommended.

Internal privacy policy

Due to the stricter GDPR rules on processing personal data, and its more specific transparency requirements, we can provide a template internal privacy policy – or amend your existing one (as you prefer) – to address these new requirements.

External privacy policy

Due to the stricter GDPR rules on processing personal data, and its more specific transparency requirements, we can provide a template external privacy policy – or amend your existing one (as you prefer) – to address these new requirements.

GDPR amendments to customer contracts

Your existing customer contracts may require amendment for GDPR compliance. This will depend on the extent to which it is possible, or desirable, for your external privacy policy to cover your customer contracts.

We can support you with this process, including by providing template wording and/or tailoring clauses into customer contracts, as required.

Template GDPR-compliant schedule for data processor contracts

The GDPR contains much stricter rules about what provisions all your data processor contracts (i.e. supplier contracts where your supplier will or may process personal data on your behalf) must contain.

We can prepare standard data processor contracts and/or provide you with template schedules, as required, to help you comply with these rules while also aiming to reduce the disruption factor to your existing relationships with your suppliers.

General “quick guides” for key departments

We are aware that different key departments of your organisation handle personal data in different ways. We can provide overview guides to assist these departments with GDPR-compliant processing of personal data.

GDPR training

We can provide GDPR training to suit the needs of your organisation.

Ad hoc support

We can provide ad hoc support for other GDPR-related issues that may arise during this GDPR-transition process and beyond.

Support with GDPR developments

Guidance on GDPR rules and enforcement in key areas is still pending (from both the Article 29 Working Party and the ICO). With this in mind, we are on hand to support you where newly published guidance results in the need or desire to make amendments to your legal documents relating to personal data processing.


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